Komuri Community Handbook

Komurí Community Handbook :izakaya_lantern:

Komurí is a Homestore located in Tokyo, Japan. We offer a variety of distinct and unique clothing styles that no other group has. Our mission is to ensure that all members of our community can have a fantastic wardrobe fitted by our experienced Staff Members.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a Clothing Designer?

If you have an interest in becoming a Designer at Komurí, you need to either apply when the opportunity is open or need to be recruited by the Chief Design Officer.

How do I become a Moderator?

If you wish to join our Staff Team as a Moderator, you can do so by applying using the Application Form on our Discord Server. You must be over 13 years old to apply and cannot have safe chat on your account to be eligible for this role.

How do I become a High Rank?

You can either work up as a Moderator or apply with our rare occasion High-Rank applications.

How do I ally with Komurì?

If you wish to ally with Komurì, you need to head over to the “Alliance Guide” tab. You can find more information on how to ally there!

Can I get a refund?

We, unfortunately, do not offer refunds in our game unless it’s for a rare occasion where the situation is primarily our fault. As Roblox takes 30% of our profits, we cannot offer refunds at all. We use the funds from our items to pay our Developers compensation for their contributions to our games.

Ban Appeals

Our Moderation Team removes those who violate our community guidelines from our community. In doing so, we attempt to promote safety and comfort. Komurí believes in second chances when it comes to bans/restrictions from our community. As for such, you can appeal any action taken against you by our Moderators. We ask you to submit your appeal to a member of our High-Rank team to be further processed. Appeals can take at least 48 hours to be fully reviewed. During this timeframe, we ask you not to rush us in the process. We need to ensure that everything in your appeal is truthful and doesn’t create a negative impact on our community. Before submitting an appeal, you must meet the criteria listed below.


  • You must wait 24 hours after you’ve been banned from our community to submit an appeal.
  • You may only submit an appeal once every 48 hours.
  • We only offer appeals for bans from our Discord or Homestore. Your appeal should show improvement from your initial ban.
  • We reserve the right to decline your appeal for any reason. As such, we ask you not to express a backlash.


  • What is your Roblox Username and Discord Username?
  • What is the location of your ban? (i.e Roblox or Discord)
  • Why should we revoke your ban?
  • How have you improved from your initial ban?
Rank Descriptions

Chairwoman (1)
The Chairwoman is the Founder/Owner of Komurí. They are responsible for overseeing and managing all forms of operations on a day-to-day basis.

President (2)
The Presidents are two individuals who are direct assistants to the Chairwoman. They primarily manage the General Group operations but also assist with Development alongside the Chairwoman.

Vice President (2)
Vice President is the first rank in the Leadership Team. Individuals in this role have shown a remarkable amount of dedication. As such, they are given more responsibilities and more privileges to assist them in their duties.

Contributors are active/former Developers of Komurì who have assisted in creating our assets for our games. This position can only be attained by being contracted by the Chairwoman.

Chief Design Officer (2)
Chief Design Officers are managers of the Design Department. They primarily manage the employment of our Designers and the clothing designs posted to our group and showcased in-game. Members in this role have attained the skillset to assist with guiding new members of the HR Team.

Chief Staff Officer (3)
Chief Staff Officers are leaders of the Staffing Department at Komurì. Members in this role primarily manage Staff Operations and the Staffing Department as a whole. Members in this role have attained the skillset to assist with guiding new members of the HR Team.

Chief Relations Officer (3)
Chief Relations Officers are leaders of the Relations Department at Komurì. Members in this role are responsible for forming new alliances/managing our partnerships and community engagement. Members in this role have attained the skillset to assist with guiding new members of the HR Team.

Board of Directors (8)
Members of the Board of Directors role are newly hired High Ranks that have shown themselves as worthy of this role as a Senior Moderator due to their leadership skills. These members are responsible for assisting either the Staffing Department or Relations Department.

Manager (8)
Managers are the highest-ranking Staff Members in our Staff Team. Members in this role have shown the capability of Leadership qualities that can result in a possible promotion to our High-Rank Team.

Assistant Manager (10)
Assistant Managers are experienced members of our team compared to their previous roles. They have shown a good amount of dedication towards our Team and shown that they have a good amount of knowledge regarding our group’s procedures. Members in this role gain more abilities.

Junior Associate (15)
Junior Associates are newly hired employees who have recently passed their internship as Staff interns. They have shown themselves as worthy individuals to be accepted into our team. Members of this role are exposed to more of our internal operations.

Staff Intern
Staff Interns are newly hired community members who have passed their application to join our team. Members of this role are exposed to internal operations and learn more about our group’s procedures overall.

Business Partner
Business Partners are Staff Members from our affiliates representing their establishment in our community. This role can be obtained by allying.

Notable Supporter
Notable Supporters are individuals who have positively impacted our community for the better. This rank can only be attained by being appointed by a Leadership Member.

This is the rank you get when joining our group. This is a default rank that can be obtained by anyone.

Affiliate Information

We thank you for your interest in forming an affiliation with Komuri! In order to proceed with an application to form a partnership, you must meet the requirements showcased below. In some cases, we permit an affiliation exception. To receive one, you must contact a member of the Relations Department. Additionally, you use this google form to apply for the affiliation.

  • Your group must have at least 300 non-botted group members.
  • Your discord must have 150 non-botted discord members with the exception of discord bots.
  • Your group must have a positive or neutral presence on the platform. Any previous history depending on the severity will result in being declined.
  • Your group cannot sell ranks that contain any form of administrative abilities or entry to a rank that does contain administrative abilities.
  • Military, Law Enforcement Group, or anything as such may not apply. Only groups that participate in the Roblox Business Industry are permitted to apply for an affiliation.

:exclamation: Please be advised that when requesting an alliance exception, certain requirements cannot be given an exception to such as the fourth and fifth regulations.

Thank you for reviewing our Community Handbook. We hope you’ve attained more knowledge regarding our group. Feel free to ask a High-Rank if you have a question/concern! :heart: :izakaya_lantern:

  • Last Updated: 12.01.2022

-looks around- Anyone here or is it just me?

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