Credit to Maximum_ADHD for the original game!
I have a “history” of developing Kool Killer games, mostly just repairing older versions of Kool Killer for preservation and historical purposes. Here are some of the versions I have fixed (Kool Killer VI The Final Inception is the 2013 version):

I do have plans to fix the Christmas and 2011 versions. But that was just my introduction. What I’m here to showcase, is my Kool Killer Remaster. This isn’t another fixed version of Kool Killer, it cleans up the janky code, offers new features, balances the gameplay so it’s not killer or survivor-sided, features rescripted content and gameplay that I once never bothered with, etc.
What I am trying to get at is that I would like to show off my work so far to everyone here, not just to get feedback, but to get new ideas and features. I still have so much work to do with this game, and I need your help figuring out which direction I should head in next. Thank you for reading this.
Game Link: Kool Killer Definitive Edition - Roblox
Game Screenshots: