Korblox Deathwalker bundle has several issues with attachments and accessories

are you that lazy to see the first reply


If you took a moment to read into what I said they DID say they would fix deathwalker, and it could be possibly implied that they also mean R6, but that’s not concrete. Am I clear or would you like me to further simplify this for you.

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Here are the bugs I found after the update

The head is still a little lower and moved backward

Using the torso makes u huge

Using the leg makes u huge


The package itself is pretty large, that’s why it’s out-ranging regular. I personally wouldn’t have a use for it since it’s pretty much unusable within regular standards other than the head.


Somebody at roblox needs to realize everybody just wants to use it as headless and korblox and maybe torso


Can we please get the eyes moved a bit more forward?


And also address the issues with the size of the boy parts changing?


I found another issue with korblox deathwalker bundle

i put 2 images together of normal head and korblox deathwalker head, and deathwalker head is a bit offset back. Basically it makes every hat that I wear pushed back


I appreciate that y’all actually took a look at the Deathwalker and adjusted its proportions to address the issues with the head. Accessory placement still isn’t 1:1 with the default head and headless, but I’d argue it’s close enough and that any inconsistencies will probably be very easy to fix once the accessory repositioning feature is complete. I’m also completely on board with the idea of the Deathwalker being this terrifying, hulking beast. I think that’s awesome.

However, as others here have stated, this change in size has caused problems with the mix-and-match behavior of the other body parts, like the torso displacing the head and arms of characters with classic proportions, as well as the legs becoming uncomfortably long when one is equipped.

I propose a solution to this problem, using the body type scale. It’s obvious this character is meant to be an rthro bundle, considering how far it strays from the classic character proportions. So how come it doesn’t utilize the body type scale? It’s already huge at 0% body type and it only becomes more of a monstrosity when you move that slider up.

Seriously, this is horrifying. But, I digress. Admittedly, I don’t know exactly how the body type scale works internally, so this solution may not be entirely feasible, but I think it’d be much better if the Deathwalker’s body adhered to classic proportions at 0% body type, and then at 100% body type it took on the appearance it currently has at 0% body type. That way, anyone who wants to use the entire deathwalker character in all its massive, fiery glory can do so, while the folks who just want to use the individual body parts with their blocky characters won’t run into issues with weird limb offsets and whatnot. Then everyone gets what they paid for and it’s a win-win, right? Just a suggestion, of course. Regardless, I appreciate you guys at Roblox for listening to us with your initial changes to the Deathwalker, and I hope you continue to do so.

(Oh, and for everyone asking for R6 compatibility, I’d like that too, but I seriously doubt it’ll happen. This bundle makes extensive use of layered clothing and particles on body parts, neither of which are things R6 supports. Just wait until they fix and release the R6 to R15 adapter, I’m sure it’ll look just fine then.)


Some back accessories are incorrectly rotated when used with the Korblox Deathwalker’s Body, as seen with the Plasma Wings. Note: Proportions no not matter.



Like everyone else mentioned already, the buggy attachments and the outrageously large scale of the character are very prominent and are what’s preventing me from being completely sure about purchasing it. The glowy eyes and fiery torso are unique and some of my favorite customization options so far, but uh

This torso is massive and has crazy attachment issues. I’d hate to see this be bundle be hyped up just for the event and forgotten about afterwards, especially considering the cost.

Compare it to the Korblox Deathspeaker and Headless horseman bundles. they fit cleanly with most body types, especially the popular ones like 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc. As much as I like Deathwalker, I cannot justify the cost with all these glaring issues. Like I said, I hope this bundle is more than an item for this upcoming event.


I feel as though that deathwalker limbs should carry over to r6, much like the deathspeaker.


Particles and effects on the client’s character accessories and body parts need to be invisible when the camera is in first person. The Deathwalker is completely unusable in first person because the torso and eye flames obscure nearly half your view.

This has been an issue for years with other hats (such as the Fiery Horns of the Netherworld) but to a less severe degree.

It’s disappointing that a 29,000 Robux package from an official event has this many flaws. Where was the quality control?


Still waiting for this abomination to be fixed




It’s been several weeks since Deathwalker was ruined for any customization beyond the default package and we haven’t had any updates. Hopefully we get one soon.

I did come across the following while in Catalog Avatar Creator

Three separate torsos exist for Deathwalker:

Click for view of torsos

  • Left - The current one that we own.
  • Middle - This appears to be the torso that existed during the few days when I believed the package looked decent. It no longer appears in our inventories.
  • Right - Appears to be the same as the current torso but is not in our inventories.

Note: The same applies for the arms and legs:

Click to view arms

Click to view legs

Here is the Deathwalker in its current state:

Click for view of current Deathwalker


Here is the Deathwalker with the previous torsos, arms and legs equipped:

Click for view of previous Deathwalker


Other than an obviously smaller package and flame in the torso, the previous body parts still look great.

I think an awesome idea is to just give us the separate torsos, arms and legs to swap between them as we please, rather than attempting to change its current state.

HOWEVER, we do still have the major issues with both sets of body parts where the flames in the head and torso are visible in first person when in R15, and where the flames disappear when our body style is set to R6.
I’ve personally not had major issues with attachments on this package, so I cannot speak to that issue.

Any update on this would be much appreciated.


Roblox reuploaded the entire bundle twice while they were working on “fixing” it, which is why you’re seeing those body parts. Here are some outfit IDs if you want to inspect the different versions better:

  • KBDW Scaled | 27435845300
  • KBDW Scaled 50 | 27480166645
  • Korblox Deathwalker | 27345028995

The “scaled” versions were never available for purchase, as they were tests. The body parts in “Korblox Deathwalker” were overwritten with the parts from “KBDW Scaled 50”, so they should be the same.

Outfit IDs can be used with APIs such as Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromOutfitId() and AvatarEditorService:GetOutfitDetails(). I also have a place where you can quickly load outfits on your character.