The recently released Korblox Deathwalker bundle and its accessories have several oddly placed attachments, as well as a problem with accessory scaling.
For starters, tools are offset, not even coming close to fitting in the hand.
The pauldrons, while fitting just fine on the bundle’s arms, vary wildly in position with other arms.
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With default arm:
With Beatrix The Pirate Queen bundle arm:
With Davy Bazooka bundle arm:
Additionally, the head has a bizarre offset when used with other torsos.
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I’m wearing a helmet in the photos to better showcase this offset.
With default head:
With Korblox Deathwalker head:
The last of the attachment issues is with the scythe back accessory, which floats somewhat when equipped with a different torso.
Finally, the helmet accessory is scaled incorrectly when used with other heads.
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I would expect this to be less of an issue once the accessory positioning and scaling system comes out, but as it stands, this just isn’t right.
After taking a look at the attachments’ positions in studio, I can safely say that… This is probably not where they’re supposed to go.
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The attachments on the character’s body parts are placed as such:

And the attachments on its accessories are placed as such to fit the body:

Expected behavior
I would expect the attachments to be placed in locations that make sense for the character, rather than awkwardly floating multiple studs away from the part they’re attached to.
Default rig’s attachment structure for reference:
Click for screenshot
I would also expect the accessories to have appropriate attachment points and for the attachments on the body parts to account for this offset, rather than offsetting the attachments themselves, which makes them look wrong on other body parts.
Below, I have an image of loosely what I think the accessories would look like with their attachments and scaling fixed on a default character.
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I chose to ignore the pauldrons clipping into the arms, since I was mostly focused on fixing the attachment positioning in particular, and the pauldrons aren’t made to be used with blocky limbs anyways.
I would expect the head to have correct placement on other torsos, rather than sinking into the torso and causing all sorts of issues with head accessories.
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From left to right: Default avatar, Default avatar with unaltered Korblox Deathwalker head, Default avatar with Korblox Deathwalker head with a corrected neck motor6D and corrected attachments for hat accessories and flaming eye particles.
Same thing, with constraint details shown:
And most importantly, I would expect to see a Roblox-made bundle, especially one being sold for a limited time and for 29 thousand robux (That’s ~$250 USD if you were to buy that robux with premium!), to have more care put into ensuring that it functions properly and has as few underlying issues as possible. I wouldn’t take nearly as much issue with all these problems if it was your average 250 robux bundle or something made by a UGC creator, but this is a bundle created and sold by Roblox itself that they are treating with the same level of hype and importance as other special expensive bundles like Headless Horseman and Korblox Deathspeaker, so it should be held to similar standards as those bundles when it comes to polish and versatility.