Korblox Deathwalker R15 Scaling ISSUE

Hi there, I’d like to address the issue with the Korblox Deathwalker leg scaling. Now I have noticed nobody has really brought this issue up on here really, I have seen others on external websites talking about this very same issue and this has been a problem for quite some time now, I would like to also mention that when the bundle originally came out the scaling was good but then I believe as many people have already stated from what I’ve researched Roblox did update the scaling for some unknown reason but they updated it wrong, the legs are too tall in games when in r15, people I’ve seen are using this to their advantage in some games that require the player to be a certain height to be fair to other players and this bug has still not been resolved which is super odd to me and it just looks strange in games with the height differential, I’ve included a picture demonstrating the smallest scaling I can possibly go for one of the korblox deathwalker legs and you can clearly see the problem at hand… for context my friend beside me is on he’s tallest scaling and I’m on my lowest I can possibly go for a korblox deathwalker leg.

Expected behavior

Legs to be scaled down to like the same scaling as they were originally.


Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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I also am noticing in many games and I’m sure this is related due to how tall the bundle makes the avatar, I’m getting the same small dots underneath my avatar legs that consistently keep spawning in after a little while of being in game and sometimes immediately when I join and idk if this roblox trying to cope with the scaling length but I find it quite strange nonetheless as you can see.


Unfortunately Roblox has claimed they would make a fix for this about a year ago and we haven’t seen anything yet, seems like it’s been forgotten about. I don’t say that in spite of this post it’s just annoying that there’s not much being done even now.

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I’m aware but regardless these types of things should be sorted as the korblox deathwalker has alot of issues with it for the price of 29k, it wasn’t originally like this.

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I completely agree, I’m hoping this is fixed along with R6 compatibility


any significant updates on a scaling fix?

Thank you for flagging this, and your patience for waiting for an answer.

Just a little backstory on what happened. When this Avatar first came out, we actually made a mistake and made it too small. Many users who bought the original version complained (rightfully so) about this, so we went back and resized Deathwalker to make it taller and bigger. Besides scaling Deathwalker up, we also made the legs longer. We did this by moving the “feet” down. That’s why you’re noticing the longer legs.

Ever since we introduced Layered Clothing, every one of our Avatars had to have every single body part (torso, head, upper arms, lower arms, hands, upper legs, lower legs, and feet). This was to make sure that they can all have every Wrap Target so they can wear Layered Clothing items. What makes the Deathwalker (and its cousing, the orignal Deathspeaker) special, is that they have broken bones for legs. In order to work around the missing body parts, we used various tricks like scaling or transparency to give them feet that you can’t see.

Lastly, we don’t always design characters while keeping body part swapping in mind. If we did, all of our characters would be about the same height and have similar body proportions, and that would probably be boring. :joy:

As for R6, I think we answered this topic on another thread. But the short answer is, we stopped making R6 versions of our Avatars a few years ago. Deathwalker is not an exception.

Hopefully, this gives you an understanding on our design choices, and what had happened.


I understand you wanted it originally to be a bigger size bundle, I totally get that but it wasn’t however, the bundle was originally a certain way to my eyes when purchasing it, I liked the look of the legs and Im not the only one so I bought it for 29k expecting exactly what I saw originally, it just seems unfair to someone like me who liked the original look and for it to have changed all of a sudden to this tall leg cause that isn’t what I bought originally but from what you have told me it doesn’t look like it’s going to be fixed so I’m not gonna lie I’m a bit disappointed but thank you for getting back to me on this matter.

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I agree, originally the legs and torso’s scaling were pretty much identical to classic proportioned bundles like Korblox Deathspeaker, which was most of the appeal of the bundle at the time I and many other people purchased it. Being able to mix and match these body parts seamlessly into your avatar was a very important element of the bundle. I was really annoyed that after I spent nearly 30k Robux on this bundle, Roblox updated the proportions and rig attachment points of the body parts so significantly that I can no longer properly integrate them into an outfit using classic body scaling. Since then, I literally have not worn a single body part from this bundle even once. As far as I remember seeing, the vast majority of the complaints about this bundle upon release was that the head did not mix and match with classic body types, or fit accessories properly.

Although I would really like to see the original proportions of the body parts restored (while keeping the current or similar function of the head intact) I think the main discussion that should be had is why Roblox does not have a mechanism for people to be able to get a refund of their purchase when Roblox so significantly changes an avatar item after you purchase it with the specific appearance at the time of release in mind. Another case of Roblox significantly changing an item after release in recent times is the Treasure Finder bundle, which released during The Classic event last year. A few days after it went on sale, Roblox completely changed the included hat, without offering a way for people who purchased the bundle because they liked this specific hat any way to receive a refund or the original hat back.


100% agree man, I just found it so annoying, I really did enjoy the look for the bundle originally but it’s not gonna get fixed from the looks of it and roblox is just never gonna add a refund feature like that, way too good to be true so we just gonna have to live with it unfortunately I guess

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