KOTOPEDIA! Show Server Location!



-What is KOTOPEDIA!?

Kotopedia is a script that will allow both you and your players to learn information about the current server your place is running on without any scripting knowledge! This was made mostly for people who are a bit newer to Roblox development, but it can be useful to developers of all kinds!

-What does it do!?

This will allow you to use the chat to display a message which explains the location of the server in detail! That way both you and the player know what ping to expect!


-Why would I want that!?

This does get a little technical to explain, so I’ll try my best to keep it simple.

If you play a lot of online video games, you’ve probably heard of the term “ping” and associate high ping with lag, which is a fair assumption. Ping, put simply, is really the amount of time, typically in milliseconds, that it took for your computer to reach the server and bounce back. This can result in lag and latency.

Naturally, you want this time to be as low as possible, because higher ping means higher delay, which means, more lag.

So how does this help?
However, there are several things which contribute to this, such as bad code or complex buildings, but also, the distance between the player’s computer, and the server’s location, after all, a connection between your computer and your next door neighbor’s computer is bound to be faster than a connection between your computer and a computer on the other side of the world!

Roblox already tells me what ping I have, why would I want KOTOPEDIA!?

While Roblox does indeed provide a way to view your ping, as stated in the ping discussion, high ping can come from server location! Not just bad code or a high player count!

With this, players will be able to know if they should switch to another server, rather than dismiss your game as just laggy.


Adding KOTOPEDIA! to your game!

Step 1:

So I’ve got you on board, huh? Great!
First off, you’ll need to get my model, KOTOPEDIA!

Click either of those links and then proceed to click the green “Get” button!

Step 2:

Open Roblox Studio, and click on view, and then toolbox!

Step 3:

In the toolbox, click on the light-bulb icon, you should see an object with the text below saying,

Step 4:

Click on the object once, then click and drag it into a place called “ServerScriptService”

Step 5:

Go to HOME, then click on Game Settings, then go to Options, then, in “Allow HTTP requests”, click “On” and done!

Step 6:

Done! Your game now officially has KOTOPEDIA! in it!

Using KOTOPEDIA! in-game!

To use KOTOPEDIA! if you followed the steps correctly, simply say the command,
This will bring up a menu of all available data on the server you are currently in! To close it, simply use the command again!

If you or your players do not understand what any of those words means, no problem! This encyclopedia also includes a dictionary! Simply say the command,
/stats help
This will bring up a menu explaining each term!

If you only want to view a specific type of information on the server, such as the country it’s in, simply type
/stats along with the stat you want to view!
This will show you only the specific data you’ve asked for.

Changing the Command Word!

To change the command word form /stats to any other phrase you want, simply click on the arrow next to KOTOPEDIA! and click on the object that says “Command”, go down to the property that says “Value” and type in whatever phrase you want!


Closing Notes:

If you hit the Play button in studio, YOUR computer is the server, so it will show information about YOUR computer. You have been warned!

Try it out here! The command is "/stats"

You may use KOTOPEDIA! in any way you like! However!!!

Please give credit to me!

I would be really, really sad if I released this to the public just to have other people claim that it’s their creation and not mine! :pensive:


Hey this is really cool!

Especially for new scripters or people creating especially FPS games!


Still new here, this is great! I am unsure where to give credit though, on roblox game page or in game with a screen ui? Or it is even good design to make a credits button, and list all credits there? Thanks for the reply in advance!


Most developers make a topic in #bulletin-board that contains all the credits, then link that post in the description of your game.


Ideally I’d like for you to just write something like “Credits to Kotojo for KOTOPEDIA!” in the description of your game! So that way anyone who sees your game can see!

Yikes, really? I can understand putting it in an update log, but I doubt many people would click on a link that’s JUST credits. I think developers would prefer it to be in the description somewhere, even at the bottom.


Very cool! Can you give us info on how this was made? How did you manage to know the server’s location?

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Hi! Just gonna copy and paste here cause someone already asked that in private messages.

Feel free to inspect the code within KOTOPEDIA! to your heart’s desire!


If you use multiple different things from several developers, its hard to list them all. If you put it in the description you have to deal with tags and the character limit on descriptions (i think those exist). Most regular people don’t care, but if someone wants to know what assets were used, they can click the link.

Also, if you want to enforce that people have to give your credit, you should get a license for it.


It’s open source for a reason, I wouldn’t put any restrictions on something that I want free for anyone to use any way they want.

Just thought it was common courtesy is all. It’s not that big of a deal, but I think that would make basically all scripters unmotivated to open source if that was the case in the grand majority of games.

Anyone is welcome to not give me credit, I guess. But that’d make me sad. You can do whatever you want with it, but 3 words at the bottom of your game, “Kotopedia by Kotojo” would really be appreciated, seeing other games use something that I made.

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It’s not really a problem to give someone credit if they ask? It is actually very common in the industry (which is why most games / FOSS have attributions files or pages).
The fact they’re asking for credit is a form of verbal license, if you’re taking that angle.

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Its not hard, I was saying that making a DevForum post full of credits and linking it in your description is a much easier method than linking everything in the description (due to tags, character limits, ect.)

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Planning on using KOTOPEDIA for a decently sized game. But, does this comply with all laws and regulations regarding data privacy?

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In all honesty, I couldn’t tell you. That is not within my area of expertise.

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Yes. All of the data isn’t anyone’s personal data, it’s data about the server, which you should be allowed to display. I only display server location (city, state, and country), personally.