Kouri Alliance Requirements

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:palm_tree: Kouri Alliance Requirements
:link: Kouri Group Link

The Public Relations department at Kouri manages alliance and deals with alliance applications and events. If you meet our requirements, feel free to message a member of our Public Relations department and attempt to form an alliance with us.

Alliance Requirements
  • Group must have 50 nonbotted members.

  • Group must be active.

  • Group staff must be well managed.

  • Group must abide by/follow all of Kouri’s rule & regulations.

  • Group must have a Discord server.

  • Group’s Discord server must be active.

Alliance Application Questions

:one: | Why do you want to form an alliance with Kouri?

:two: | How would Kouri benefit from this alliance?

:three: | How would your group benefit from this alliance?

:four: | How did you find Kouri?

:five: | Why should Kouri accept your alliance application over others?

:six: | Do you understand that breaking any of Kouri’s rules & regulations is grounds for an alliance termination (and possible alliance blacklist)?

Located above are our alliance requirements. Once you have met all of those requirements, you may fill out our alliance application questions (also located above) and send it to a member of our Public Relations department.

Last revised on 07/30/20 by deviIthorn.