Kronos - Scan your game for viruses, backdoors - Plugin

You forgot about hidden services and APIs, in studio. Your scanner does not scan for it.

For the Kohl’s Admin Commands V2 warning, it means the model you own has a backdoor.

Is there a timeframe for when Kronos premium will come out? I am very interested in it!

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Probably wont ever come out, since the owner doesn’t have permissions to sell plugins.


It brings up this warning for the original model by Kohltastrophe, I believe what the scanner’s picking up is what the script uses to automatically update itself to the latest. It uses the old LoadAsset method to get the latest version.

it detected hidden scripts but i dont know how to erease them lol

Never used this plugin, so what I think you should do is:

Look for the scripts that are ‘infected’/‘hidden’, and then simply delete it.

i was not finding them in the game by myself. I figured out that the script was inside a model in my account’s inventory, I removed from my inv. Damn hacks.

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Why does it need access to and ?

It also scans your inventory for any backdoors/viruses and alerts you if it finds any.

I don’t get why google is needed then?

Read the code . It uses google to check if http service is enabled

It detects the adonis admin description script named API as a backdoor, but that script does not contain any executable code at all.

I’m not sure about the claim for Kronos Premium.

Having “everything” you need for a safe game is almost impossible because the developer can always make mistakes in their client-server security and leave a vulnerability. I doubt that Kronos Premium has the proper artificial intelligence to correct that. Furthermore, even if the client-server security was perfect, there are always new backdoors and new exploits being created. It’s misinforming, especially to new developers, to tell them that their game will be secure if they throw some robux at you.