[KTA] Joining Instructions

Covenant of Karathia
Joining Instructions


So you have expressed an interest to join the Covenant of Karathia.

The Covenant prides itself on a long history; we have always had one single rule that bounds the group:
Quality over quantity.

Members of the Covenant are held to a high standard - and they will be expected to fight until they can fight no more. Combat is our number one priority.

New recruits that enlist into the Covenant must complete Entry Training - this is a approximately one-hour-long training session where new recruits will be taught the basics. They will be tested on discipline, provided knowledge, and given an operational tour of our main base. For as long as you are a member of the Covenant and have not completed Entry Training - you will be a member of Training Company (T Coy).

Once you complete Entry Training, you will be assigned to a Company - fit with its own company leadership. This will be the unit you will represent. If you wish to switch companies, you may request with the Legate General.

And that’s it. That is the steps to joining the Covenant. However, be warned. To remain a member you must be active, disciplined, and dedicated. Inactive members who have not completed Entry Training will be removed from the group - and members who belong to a company that are inactive will be transfered to the Reserve Company (R Coy).

Give us your all, and we will return the favor.

Through war, United.

Yours truly,
Sky Marshal Xeloryn
Central Command.

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