Kuavó Appeal Information

Document Description:
Welcome to the Appeals Guide. If you have recently been blacklisted or terminated and you’d like to appeal, read the rest of this document. This guide was structured by the Human Resources Department.

Termination Appeals:

Terminations are when a former employee breaks the staff code of conduct — under very strict circumstances, terminations can be appealed for and employment may be restored. The Human Resource Department handles termination appeals.

How do I appeal?

You will be sent a direct message when you’re terminated, use this when appealing and the team can discuss with you: your termination and potential next steps, however this isn’t always the case.

Blacklist Appeals:

Blacklists occur when a user breaks our rules and or puts Kuavó’s community in detrimental circumstances and or puts other user(s) in danger — blacklists can be appealed but are very rarely accepted to avoid repeat scenarios. The Presidential Board handle blacklist appeals.

How do I appeal?

Blacklists can only be appealed via our ticket system, make sure the ticket directory is for the Presidential Board.

Why was my appeal denied?

Your appeal can be denied at any time, and as previously described, your appeal is very unlikely to be accepted to avoid repeat scenarios.

Written and approved by,
Kuavó Human Resources Department