Kuavó Session Information

Document Description: Welcome to Kuavó’s session schedule. The following information is regarding sessions within Kuavó. You can view the different times and roles of staff during these sessions.

Training Sessions:

10 AM Eastern Standard
2 PM Eastern Standard
6 PM Eastern Standard
11 PM Eastern Standard

If you are in another time zone use this. Time Zone Converter.

Shifts are open to all ranks — Supervisors+ can host shifts at any time during the day.

Shift Roles:

Junior Juicer — Skilled Juicer

Junior and Skilled Juicers should serve customers.

Staff Assistant

Staff Assistant can only supervise shifts and make sure to gain activity points and minutes. Answer questions and make sure staff are performing their duties properly.

Supervisor — Manager

Supervisor to Manager can host shifts, when not hosting they should make sure Low Ranks are giving correct information when prompted for help and to answer their questions when needed.

Board of Executives+

Executives will be responsible for removing exploiters and banning them and dealing moderation situations other ranks can not deal with.

Written and approved by,
Kuavó Presidential Board