Kuroxity- Modeler

About Me

Hey, i’m a modeler. I mainly make weaponry and am most comforatable with sci-fi. I love to use blender in my freetime. I’m improving skills with every model/project. I’m head modeler for TMP


Here are some screenshots of my work

HX-50, AKA leafblower for tmp

dragon for tmp

sword for tmp


If you message me and I respond then i’m available.


I usually charge 1-2k each hour. Leafblower took over 10 hours so it would have costed 10-20k

Please note that this has hardly any models in it because it is a very very new portfolio. I left out all of my ugly assets from a month or 2.


Are you sure thats roblox?!!!

It’s blender as he stated in the description.

I know that, I meant something else. I was just saying how good it was.

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As someone who has worked with Kuro, I am proud to say that Kuro is one of the most talented and invested modelers I’ve ever come across. He takes effort into his models, and always does his work in lighting speed. If you’re looking for someone to model for you, Kuroxity is the guy to go to.

PS. That leafblower model looks excellent!

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Very nice, I love your work! :3