L | Employee Code of Conduct

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L | Luli Guidelines

At Luli, we’d appreciate if everyone dressed appropriately. Any inappropriate messages, packages, or clothing will be accounted to your account and reported to our corporate staff. Shirts and pants must be worn in while in our premises, and allied servers of Luli. The inability to dress appropriately will result in a warning, demotion, kick, and possibly a ban upon the situation.

As a staff member regarding Luli, we’d like you to introduce yourself to the community in an appropriate direction. Inviting your friends, staying positive, and aware of any problems around you is always the correct mindset to have! On the other hand, we ask you to handle the circumstance properly when getting into a dispute with the guest and staff. We comprehend there are important errands for you, but be kind towards staff individuals and clients. Hostile jokes will not go without serious consequences, as we give a protective and engaging mindset for everyone.

Responsibility is a high concept to obtain at Luli. You must include this when going for a shift at our cafe. You should take high manners in our kitchen, your order greeting, etc. This will benefit you highly towards becoming a management member and learn how to manufacture the workings.

Luli has no tolerance with staff having relationships within the group. All relationships will be automatically terminated and taken up with corporate.


Demotions are caused by your actions. They can be seemed to appear by the following reasons: inacivity, not supervising, and not showing that you actually care for Luli. Demotion appeals can be sent to Coskelly in Discord. However, depending on the reason, it can be dropped. We believe demotions allow you to summarize your mistakes and correct them.

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