Hello I’m Lee, available to hire as a scripter/programmer. I do of course script in lua and program in python. My services as a scripter are of course ROBLOX projects, such as guis etc… As a programmer I can program using third party services api such as trello or discord, yes I can also use ROBLOX api.
My Work
I always work on different maps so I don’t really have a main place of work, however you can see some of my work below.
Let’s say I wanted to make a battle game where everyone gets to choose 1 weapon to equip by unlocking it from the shop, then I have a working intermission system with maps. I want to combine them together so that players don’t have their weapons in the lobby to spawnkill eachother and they only receive their saved loadout when they teleport into the round. I previously had 1 scripter try to help me with it but it just so happens to be one of those impossible things… Would you be capable to put together something like that? Basically make it so that players only spawn with their saved weapon of choice when they get teleported into a new round while everyone else who joins the lobby between a round does not see their backpack, idek why that’s impossible for me and whoever else tried to help me.