LA | Partnership Application

Lavazza Partnership Application.

-Must be in our Communications server.

-Your group must have at least 50 active members.

-Your group must be professional and respectful towards all our members.

-Your group must have a Communications server.

-Your group must be willing to shout and attend every event we host.


[1] - What is your group called?

[2] - What is your group based on?

[3] - How many members does your group have?

[4] - How active is your group? How often do you host/attend events?

[5] - Do you understand that if you break one of our rules, you will be removed from our allies?

Thank you for submitting a partnership application, make sure to send it to a Vice Chairwoman or above, and your application will be reviewed within 72 hours.

Make sure to link your Communications server and Roblox Group along with your application.