Ladder / Climbing not working for everybody. Why?

  1. What do you want to achieve? I have a standard ladder made out of standard geometry. I want it to work for EVERYBODY.

  2. What is the issue? In my game there is an important ladder that you must climb to continue. It seemed to work great for everybody. However, when I was observing my game, there were 2 players who could not climb it. It did not work at all for them and they were stuck.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? In the game chat, I asked them what the problem was. They said “oddly they could not climb it”. I asked if they could guess why, if they had any thoughts about what might be different about them. They said “maybe player skin.” I have taken a screen shot of one of the players, so you can see them.

I know this is not a exactly a code topic, per say, but I do not know where to put this question otherwise

The ladder works perfectly for 1,000’s of players. I’ve never heard a complaint. I watched a handful of other players just go up the ladder past these guys, no prob.

I watched these same players earlier, and I thought I saw them struggling with a different ladder (but I cannot remember exactly if this happened or not).

Any thoughts on making the ladder more stable for ALL players? Thank you!!

make a trusspart, transparency 1, resize it,put it middle of ur ladder


Is it because there’s like a head rotation thing in your game? That might have caused it. The solution is to climb it in first person

@ xXDeliciousCh1ckenXx The head thing is a hat everybody needs to wear, with collide off. It works fine for everybody else climbing with it on.

@ XXBlauzeXX Cool! I will try this. I won’t be able to test to be certain that this fixes, because I won’t have those other players to retest. But this is a great solution for now!! Thank you!!

truss is like a ladder so it can be used by anyone