Ladders don't work if there is space between the top of the ladder and the top of the destination

I know the title is not written that well and is probably not descriptive, but for the past few months this has been an annoying issue for me:

As you can tell, there’s plenty of room for my character to reach the platform the ladder is trying to take him to, but it won’t let him climb there. Instead, I have to make the top of the ladder be touching the top of the platform for this to work (aka raise the ladder a bit, sorry if this is bad wording.)

I’m not sure if this is a bug or if this would be a feature request, but I don’t remember ladders always behaving this way. Hope this can be fixed :slight_smile:


This problem also exists for trusses under very similar conditions (the only difference being the space is two studs instead of ~1).

Just to note, a one stud space does work for trusses but it’s a bit uncomfortable.


Would you mind sharing a model or level for me to reproduce the bug?


Yeah, annoying.

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It seems that the edge lip doesn’t have anything to do with the problem.

The humanoid stops recognizing the ladder before the character is high enough to step up it, because the last rung of the ladder is too large.

As a temporary solution, you could resize the ladder rung heights to a safer number. I’d suggest 1 stud tall ladder rungs.


Ladder Testing:
Here is what I have found when testing ladders. The ladder needs to be tested with both generations of avatars. R6 and R15 avatars will behave differently with ladder step differences. The other surprise I found was tails. Yes, I know I sound crazy, but… Tails have collision on while wings do not.

This means you need to have a shaft that can accommodate the tail length.
Found this while testing on an avatar had this tail . He could climb the ladder but coundn’t make it through the opening at the top. Oops.

Hope this helps.

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Because of this I’ve been using invisible trusses instead of relying on ladder behavior to allow characters to climb. That’s another workaround if anyone needs it :slight_smile:


I think I have found what’s causing that. If you have a distance of 2 studs between your steps on the ladder it will work fine. Truss parts also have a space of 2 studs between every step which allows smooth movement of player. Hope I helped :slight_smile:

Edit: It worked fine when I was testing with R15 rig but not with Rthro probably because it moves more/less than 2 studs per climb.