Lag solutions for bad PCs working on large games in Studio?

I’m currently working on an extremely large project and my computer is so bad that ROBLOX barely runs on the lowest graphic setting, I cannot move one of the builds my team created to the main game simply because its too big. Any suggestions for how to fix or even manage with this lag?
My pc specs are:

Yeah, I don’t know if there’s a legit way about this. You could try changing some settings within your computer.

It might be time for an upgrade. That dual core CPU with only 4 threads really isn’t going to cut it for today’s standards. Is there any type of discrete GPU in your system? Or is it just running off of integrated?

Depends on what the issue actually is. Could be processor, GPU, RAM, a mix or even all.

You could try tweaking the roblox studio settings to minimize the problem, such as lowering edit quality, or lowering maximum cache size etc. within the settings.

If none of these work… then well, we’re on the same boat. There really is no solution other than an upgrade if nothing helps you.

I’m able to run Roblox fairly fine with an i3 1.7Ghz, but I did increase my dedicated vram a few years back for this to work consistently. Some issues with larger studio places but still manageable.

This is a fairly good guide on how you should go about increasing your dedicated vram. Considering you have 8gb of ram, go for 512mb or 1024mb of vram.
People have had mixed results with increasing it, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Of course, if this is of no use you can only upgrade :frowning:

I have another PC, but it’s currently broken. The other one is a ton better. In my other one I have a GPU I forget what it’s called I think it’s 720.

Yeah, that’s still a lot better than nothing but a GT 720 is still very outdated and pretty bad. If I were you, I would upgrade anyway. Not just for Roblox, but other programs/games these days require a lot more compute power.

Unfortunately there isn’t really anything you can do about this but get a better computer. That processor is extremely old, and wasn’t high end at it’s release (2011). The best you’re going to be able to do for now is close everything on your computer that’s non-essential while in studio.