Lag when editing script

This is a serious Mac issue as well (i’m on windows). Roblox hasn’t found a solution yet you can check in some older posts and see Windows users with this exact issue :frowning_face:, I lost the thread I can’t find it anymore. It also concerns how Roblox randomely throttles CPU and GPU usage. I have an i7 and decent Radeon Graphics that can get VR to run at like 1440p 60fps and once I was playtesting my game with full graphics and I hit like 10fps but my CPU and GPU usage were both under 5% for that Studio Instance.

Reinstall seems to remedy some problems, also try and find anything in the Studio Instance draining performance, even with throttling editing a Script shouldn’t lag regardless of any issues. It is probably because Roblox simply has no reason to use more CPU because any PC could handle it with a certain amount of FLOPS (floating-point operations per second). But if something else is interfering then there won’t be enough FLOPS to go around, kinda like how a script can lag Roblox by abusing RenderStepped or Heartbeat. (lol i sound so stupid)

Good luck with a solution.

Welp. All I really can say is Roblox is extremely broken at the moment and I seriously have no idea why. Like, a lot of my scripts don’t work, Studio is acting really wonky, so I guess we have to wait for the devs to fix it lol.

Uh just a question, is it getting worse for you? Script editing has now gotten laggy on MacOS and Windows. Also when I change tools the engine freezes for a full on 50 seconds not polling Windows Events (doesn’t respond). It crashes a lot too. Just trying to make sure this doesn’t correlate :confused:

I guess I personally have not experienced this problem, I am on Windows. However, I assume that if I wait a little longer then I will start having problems myself. But, this does seem to be some sort of bug that Roblox needs to fix. I know, you probably already did, but have you tried deleting everything and reinstalling yet?

This bug seems to be occurring to me as well.

This bug is still going on, so hard to write something its like really frustrating

If you are still having this issue, another way that could solve this by disabling G-SYNC in the NVIDIA Control Panel, that is, if you have an nvidia graphics card.

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