Since roblox just release a new update which include videoframe, new rotate looking, new move looking, and there is one thing that I dislike: When you move a model it give you massive lag while moving a model. As if there is few welds, the lag is reduced which I never experience this before. Reminder: my computer is high end.
Recently I have also experienced this while moving huge objects. One day moving the object was totally fine, the next day they updated Studio complete lag while moving my object. (This does not happen to small objects, only big ones.)
Phew, thank goodness it wasn’t some script or part that caused this lag
For you, do you have ease moving smaller objects and not big ones without lagging or both?
Just found out what is causing the lag is “Join Surface” I usually enable it to help me know if parts is connected, but that cause lag as well, so I decide to turn it off. Hopefully roblox will fix it as soon as possible.
Oof… that model hits a pretty bad case in the Joint finding code (having a ton of really tiny parts all right next to each other in a regular grid with relevant joints to find).
We are going to improve the performance of the Joint Enabled code a bit more, but the case of a densely packed regular grid like this will always be noticeably slow.