Laggy Physics with multiple players

Hello, I’m making a parkour game and am creating alot of parkours with physics (motors, ropes, etc.) but the problem is that one parkour that is controlled by a motor is really laggy and sometimes stops if multiple people jump on it. How would I fix this problem? Locally creating parkours for all clients? Or is there another easy solution?

Also, if I made the parkours rotate/move locally would exploiters be able to pause them? If yes how could I fix this? Thanks for any help!

Does anyone have an idea on this? Thanks!

Try to maybe find a more efficient way too do those types of things there are a whole loads of ways I bet you can figure out

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Of course. If we try to play a game of 10k parts alone, it would be laggy. But suppose if there were 50 players on the same server, you get it what I mean.


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But the server itself isn’t necessarily laggy it’s just the hinge constraint motor that sometimes stops.