I was poking around with roblox studio, and took another shot at making a terrain generator. The last time i tried doing this, roblox had performance issues generating the terrain, this goes to show how much effort the developers put into optimizing roblox! thanks roblox devs for being so persistent with optimization improvements!
Anyways, here is the code, if anyone wants it, just insert a script into the workspace, or server script service, then put this into the script.
--Chunk generator by rater193
--The chunk generator settings
local settings = {
chunkSize = 128,
renderDistance = 6
--Chunk generation
--This stores the list of chunks queued to generate terrain
chunksToGenerate = {}
--This handles queuing new chunks to generate
function queueChunk(x, y)
table.insert(chunksToGenerate, {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y})
--Here we are tapping into the runservice stepped event to process queued chunks to generate
--Only run if we have chunks to generate
if(#chunksToGenerate>0) then
--Here we are retreiving the first item in the list
local item = chunksToGenerate[1]
--Then we remove it from the list, and process it
table.remove(chunksToGenerate, 1)
--Here we are setting the chunk's part to render green, to show that we have generated the chunk(for debugging)
chunks[getChunkID(item.x, item.y)].part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0))
--Here are some additional reused values for generating the terrain
local chunkgeneratorsettings = {
["xstart"] = item.x*settings.chunkSize,
["ystart"] = item.y*settings.chunkSize,
["width"] = math.ceil(settings.chunkSize/4),
["height"] = math.ceil(settings.chunkSize/4)
--Here we are generating the terrain
for _x = 0,chunkgeneratorsettings.width do
for _y = 0,chunkgeneratorsettings.height do
--Actual terrain generation logic
local _height = (math.noise(((_x*4)+chunkgeneratorsettings.xstart)/1000,((_y*4)+chunkgeneratorsettings.ystart)/1000)+0.5) * 50
local _material = Enum.Material.Air
if(_height<1) then
_height = 1
_material = Enum.Material.Water
elseif(_height<3) then
_material = Enum.Material.Sand
_material = Enum.Material.Grass
game.workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(CFrame.new((_x*4)+chunkgeneratorsettings.xstart,_height/2,(_y*4)+chunkgeneratorsettings.ystart), Vector3.new(1,_height,1), _material)
--Now we are going to start handling chunks loading in around the players
--Chunk management
--The list of generated chunks
chunks = {}
--This gets the id in the list for the chunk
function getChunkID(x, y)
return tostring(x)..","..tostring(y)
--This checks if we need to generate the chunk
function checkChunk(x, y)
local chunkID = getChunkID(x, y)
if(chunks[chunkID]==nil) then
chunks[chunkID] = {}
--Here we are generating a preview part, to let us know what chunks we are trying to generate(for debugging)
local part = Instance.new("Part")
part.Anchored = true
part.CanCollide = true
part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0))
part.Transparency = 0.5
part.Material = Enum.Material.Grass
part.Size = Vector3.new(settings.chunkSize, 1, settings.chunkSize)
part.Position = Vector3.new(settings.chunkSize * x, 0, settings.chunkSize * y) + Vector3.new(settings.chunkSize/2,0,settings.chunkSize/2)
part.Parent = game.Workspace
part.Name = "Chunk-"..tostring(x).."."..tostring(y)
--Adding the preview part to the chunk data
chunks[chunkID].part = part
--Finally, queue the chunk for terrain generation
--Here we are tapping into the run service stepped event to handle chunks around the players
for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if(player.character and player.character:findFirstChild("Head")) then
local _pos = {
["x"]= math.floor((player.character.Head.Position.X)/settings.chunkSize),
["y"]= math.floor((player.character.Head.Position.Z)/settings.chunkSize)
for _x = _pos.x-settings.renderDistance, _pos.x+settings.renderDistance do
for _y = _pos.y-settings.renderDistance, _pos.y+settings.renderDistance do
checkChunk(_x, _y)
Enjoy the script!