Hi everyone! Time for another progress report.
Eyzira’s background systems dictating the way players transfer through the various places in the game have been (mostly) finalized. This does not mean development is near completion, but it is certainly a milestone. In conjunction to this, the complex character storage systems and other handlers now do something that I have yet to see other Roblox games do. If you quit the game, it will remember your exact location; when you rejoin, you’ll be right where you left off! This system includes some other neat gizmos under the hood, but I’ll save those for later.
So far work has been smooth as usual, and I’m getting a lot of new locations in the map done. That said, I do plan to alter the game’s style a bit more in terms of how it’s played, but I will get onto that later down the line as well.
For now I suppose I can say that I have made great progress, and I do thank you all as part of the game’s community for sticking around so long.