Large Custom Character having jumping issues

My custom character can for whatever reason double jump for seemingly no reason. My character’s humanoid’s rig type is set to R15. I’ve been setting the player’s character by doing

EDIT: I think what I meant was misunderstood. I’m jumping once, however holding the space bar will seemingly carry on jumping on nothing.

player.Character = PlayerTitan

Any ideas?

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It looks like you have to change HipHeight, which is a property of humanoid and appears to be too high at the moment… All default Roblox rigs have hip height of 2 studs, but since your character is much bigger, you have to figure out distance from bottom of character’s foot to the center of its humanoid root part. Multiply that number by 2/3, because that is approximate center to waist ratio.

Check this post out:

EDIT @returnedbydeath

Unless you are changing something from script, there is no other reason for character jumping automatically. Look at these two images:

Low hip height: image

High hip height: image

Does the character elevate when you are not moving? Check the behaviour when AutoJump is disabled.

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Thank you replying.

I’ve already worked out the hip height, being 18 studs and have set it beforehand, and yet it’s still occuring.

Nope. My character works fine in every way except in jumping. I haven’t modified anything in my scripts that could effect jumping. Disabling AutoJump doesn’t seem to change anything.

Modify player JumpHeight that will hopefully fix it.

You’ve probably already fixed this but:
I had this same problem and I fixed it by turning RigType from R6 - R15 under the humanoid.
I also turned off autojump.


Even if you probably fixed this, for people with a similar problem, adjust the jump power accordingly under the humanoid for huger characters.
This worked for my recent custom model; also make your model massless

I was having the same problem but your solution worked, Ty.