Large Number of Friends Causes Older Friends' Profiles to Display Incorrectly

I’ve noted that upon acquiring a large number of friends (close to the new 1,000-friend limit), profiles of older friends seem to be displaying incorrectly. Specifically, the “Unfriend” button does not appear, and instead, an “Add Friend” button is shown despite these individuals being in my friends list. I also have the ability to join my ‘older’ friends in games, as the “Join” button appears once they have entered an experience, as a normal friended account would – Except that it says “Add Friend” next to the “Join” button.

Furthermore, these older friends cannot be found via the search bar in the friends list, though they can be located manually by scrolling through the pages.

From my own friend’s perspective (if they have a low number of friends), everything appears normal: My profile is visible in their friends list, plus it can be searched in their friends tab through the search bar, and it displays the “Unfriend” button when they visit it as expected. I can only assume that this issue appears to be tied to having an exceedingly large friend count.

Steps to Reproduce:

  • Reach a friend count close to the 1,000 limit (e.g., 971 friends in my case as of writing this Bug Report).
  • Open the friends list.
  • Navigate to a newer friend’s profile and note that the “Unfriend” button displays correctly.
  • Navigate to an older friend’s profile and observe that the button says “Add Friend” instead of “Unfriend.”
  • Search for an older friend’s name using the friends list search bar and notice that they do not appear in the results.
  • Scroll manually through the friends list to find the older friend and confirm that they are still listed as a friend.

The following video showcases the issue;

System Information:
CPU : AMD Ryzen 5 3350G
GPU : AMD Radeon RX Vega 11 Graphics

Browser Information:
Chrome 131 on Windows 11

Expected behavior

Profiles of all friends, regardless of when they were added, are expected to display an “Unfriend” button when visited.
All friends should be searchable in the friends list search bar.

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!


Already reported:

Any update? Nothing has changed since the initial post.

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