Large Shadows Around A Rotated Mesh Model

I am working on a mesh aircraft model in studio, originally made in Blender, and whenever I rotate it on the X-axis, and above the ground, there is a long, narrow shadow that appears.

If I rotate the model on the Y-axis or Z-axis while maintaining its rotation on the X-axis, an even greater shadow appears:
The same thing happens when it is rotated on the Y-axis then Z-axis, Y-axis then X-axis, or when I am flying the plane. It does not happen when rotation is applied to the Z-axis first, if I rotate the model on the ground, or it is only rotated on the Y or Z axis. What can my developers and I do to prevent this large shadow from appearing around the aircraft?


Does this appear in play test mode? Also try resizing another block, sometimes the engine fails to refresh the shadows, and you gotta move something to fix it.

Yes, it happens when I test in play solo. I tracked it down to a smaller mesh that appears to be one-sided. I tried resizing it and the shadow remained, but when I removed the part the shadow disappeared.

Huh, you aren’t using a specialmesh right?

No, it was made in blender.

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Ah, yes, but are you using meshparts, not special mesh objects, right?

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That worked, thank you!

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A bit confused, which one were you using, and what exactly fixed what?

I was using a meshpart. In your previous post I thought you suggested I try using a part with special mesh instead of a meshpart, so that’s what I did. Shadows no longer appear at all.

Oof. SpecialMeshes are very finnicky, I was wondering if you were using them before, and thought that it was the thing causing problems. I wouldn’t advise using special meshes for long, as I have no idea wether they’ll be sticking around for much longer (rumoured to be depreciated at some point in the near future? not sure).

Anyhow, glad that gave you a sort of temporary solution. I would still advice checking out some of the studio settings, maybe ticking on the navigation mesh to check if there is any funny business with the collisions (I suspect that that’s it). In fact, if you go to your meshpart and disable collisions, the shadow may disappear and we know what’s wrong.

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I feel like I can use this in the nearby future, thanks. :+1: