Large spikes in ReplicatedProcessedPackets and WaitForRenderThread

Started noticing this issue around 12/8

Immediately joining a game with large amounts of smooth terrain, and streaming enabled has large spikes in FPS every couple of seconds. It remains this way until the game has loaded in for 10 or so minutes. Moving to an unstreamed area of the map starts the frame drop issue again for several minutes. It SEEMS it gets better over time.

OnTerrainRegionChanged seems to be called quite often during this ReplicatorProcessedPackets task. I believe this is what is causing the issue.

Replication steps:

  1. Join this game (linked below) and walk around the map, either studio or player.
  2. Walk around the map, teleport to new unloaded areas of the map (with smooth terrain)
  3. Frame rates drop consistently, and spikes in the micro profiler, mostly with “HashSetInsert” and “OnTerrainRegionChanged” driving most of these tasks times up.
  4. Micro profiler dump data: microprofile-20231215-130710.html - Google Drive

Terrain VoxelChannel additions MAY have something to do with it?

Link to place:


Similar issue, could be related?


Also experiencing this in my game “Police Roleplay Simulator 2”


Has been resolved this weekend, according to the assigned dev. Confirmed no longer happening.

We’ve been able to verify that the issue brought up in the original posting was resolved by a server side setting changed this past Friday.

If you believe you are having the same problem, ensure that any affected game or team create server has been restarted since then.

If this does not resolve your problem, I encourage you to file a bug report with microprofile if possible and any relevant details for your experience.

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I am noticing lower performance in my game and a lot of “WaitForRenderThread”, I searched that specifically and found this thread off of it. My game does not use streaming enabled. Is anyone else still experiencing lower performance than usual?

WaitForRenderThread means that the engine is waiting for another thread to finish. You can find the render thread at the very top of the Microprofiler “Detailed” graph view (it is labelled “GPU”), for a better idea of exactly what the render thread is doing that’s taking so long.

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