Large white box around plugin GUI

I’m trying to create a skybox plugin, however when I open my gui this happens:

As you can see, there’s a large white box around the GUI.
How can I fix this so that only the GUI will appear and not that box.


local Toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("CbrahDev")
local SkiesButton = Toolbar:CreateButton("Cbrah's Skies", "Select from a wide variety of skyboxes", "rbxassetid://8515224301") -- TEMP LOGO
local Opened = false

local SkyboxGuiInfo =
	false, -- Initially enabled
	false, -- idk lol

local SkyboxGui = plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui("Cbrah's Skies", SkyboxGuiInfo)
SkyboxGui.Title = "Skies"
script.Parent.SkyGui.Parent = SkyboxGui

	if Opened then
		SkyboxGui.Enabled = false
		Opened = false
		SkyboxGui.Enabled = true
		Opened = true

If you want a UI like that, then stop using the widget. Parent the gui into core gui.

This is my first time making a plugin. Would you mind elaborating?

Theres a object in studio called core gui. Instead of using a widget(what you’re currently using). Replace that code by parenting it to core gui. So just do gui.parent = game:getservice(“coregui”). And replace the widget code with what i just said

What do you mean by this? Still trying to figure this stuff out :slight_smile:

You are using Offset instead of scale.
It should be “{1,0},{1,0}” in the properties tab instead of “{0,200},{0,200}”

Plugins parented to CoreGui are outdated and should not be made!

Position and size all GuiObject instances to scale instead of offset.

Wdym? Plugins like moon animator and many more use coregui. Can you please provide evidence?

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Those plugins haven’t updated yet to support Widgets. Using CoreGui, you have to write more code to deal with parenting and unparenting from the CoreGui and other things.

Well can I see proof its outdated?

It’s outdated because there is a superior approach to making Plugin GUI’s now. Widgets are officially supported while CoreGui plugins are NOT officially supported.

I see what you mean. But it doesn’t mean its outdated, sometimes you may want to use the widgets and core gui.

I used offset and I’m still getting the same problem

DevForum 2.rbxm (5.0 KB)
Here’s the file if anyone want’s to experiment for themselves.

I said use Size instead of offset. Offset is offset in pixels, size scales automatically.