Largescale cyberpunk build (Very WIP)

Hello, this is my first post on the forum. I’ve been working on a very large scale cyberpunk build and was hoping to get some feedback, a lot of the buildings currently lack interiors as I’m very lazy lol.


Looks pretty good man. I dont know what else to say except add some stars into the sky.

Keep up the good work.


Thanks, there are actually stars in game but the depth of field in the lighting makes them almost impossible to see (might have to fix that)
(here are some sky shots, buildings are quite tall)

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Great work! I think my only suggestion would be to try and make your own cars out of parts or even in blender, rather than put a few parts over already meshed cars.

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Tone down the blurriness. Its super annoying and unrealistic

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I wouldn’t add stars to the sky, as there are tons of lights bouncing everywhere. Realistically the stars would be invisible in this type of environment.


I’ve been using those cars more so as placeholders, I also have no experience with blender. However I’ve been actually planning to build the cars off of earlier models I made. Thanks for the feedback

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Yeah now that I’ve looked over the buildings I’ve noticed most of the building logos are blurry because of the depth of field. I think I’ll just remove it for now, Thanks for the feedback.

Love the look!
Gives off a little bit of a Cyberpunk 2077 vibe, would be cool to see on Roblox.

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Yeah, its much better now. Also the city is really cool and fun to explore

The only tip that I have for making cars with parts is to use Archimedes and unions. It also helps to have a visual idea of what you’re building beforehand.

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Looks quite nice

If I could add / change some things I would give the area a specific colour scheme, you can use websites like to get some good ones, I recommend using one that has a great contrast between the colours. Having a good colour scheme helps with blending your builds together and creating a distinct look, too many clashing colours can look strange and stick out a lot.

I’d like some sort of fog to also blend the structures together a bit better and add a sense of depth.
I recommend a light ocean / gray navy colour for the fog.

Also don’t be afraid to use custom textures, it’s really important to have in mind if you want to create more realistic builds.

I would also add some large structure to the city, overpasses and monorail tracks fit very well into cyberpunk styled builds, but any type of larger structure can look good if you know how to integrate it correctly. You can make some clusters of taller buildings and experiment with the placement of structures and leveling of the ground to break up the repetition and make an interesting layout. Especially the leveling, you can break up the sections of the map very easily doing so.
You can also create underground areas and alleyways to interlink different parts of the map, it’s great for connecting the slums and the posh areas in a cyberpunk city.

If you really want to add more depth to the build you can make some buildings past the playable area to create an illusion of size, It’s a good trick on small and medium sized map as well as secluded areas of the map. The background buildings can have decreasing quality depending on the distance. background buildings can be one-sided. It’s a trick many games use to create large cities.
Personally I’d add a large menacing skyscraper in the background.

I’m excited to see more progress on the build as I’m fan of cyberpunk and futurism myself. Good luck!

Try and add more lighting tones, you can also use color correction because the colors of the lights look a tad bit unrealistic. Try also using shadowmap.

It’s not realistic because of the way light acts in more well-lit cities, meaning you won’t see stars at all if you were in a secluded area of the world with no bright sources at least a few kilometers from you, then yes, stars would be an appropriate add-on :smiley:


I said that two years ago lol…

Touché anyways you are right

Stars ? It’s a cyberpunk city. This city has so many lights that stars shouldn’t be visible because of light pollution.

You could also add haze to simulate light from streets and other areas commonly situated in a city, you could just make it bright enough so it doesn’t look like fog, but instead, street lights. I think it’s called City Light Ambience, correct me if I’m wrong.

Sorry, I just got ahead of myself, but you are correct and the first to announce it!

What a classic! Maybe add some fog, and you’re good to go honestly.

Is this project still on-going?