Largest number possible

What is the largest integer number possible in LuaU that still retains precision? Thanks.

If you reach a very high number it will become Inf which is basically math.huge, but you can’t -1 math.huge, so you will probably have to keep writing huge numbers until it reaches Inf.

So the largest number is inf.

One could argue that inf is not a number. Remember NaN (Not a Number) errors?

I am not sure what the biggest number is, especially since I think that Luau is different from Lua when it comes to numbers. You can probably find it somewhere in the compiler by searching for what a Luau variable actually is.


infinity is not a number

There isn’t really a good answer. Smaller numbers always have more precision with floating point notation. The higher you go, the less precision you have. Unless you have a particular precision in mind, such as whole numbers, in which case I would tell you that you can go to to approximately 1.8e+308 and still be precise enough to measure whole numbers.

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