how can i make a laser pointer making dot, that collide on object?
like this
For the lasers you could use ray casting which is an easy method to make a laser
For this you could either use a loop and cast a ray repeatedly and use a part thats size is the same as the rays magnitude, or you could use a beam and set the attachments position to either the mouse or a ray.
Let’s say that you have a laser pointer emitter, i.e from where the laser will emit then you will use workspace:Raycast()
to cast a ray.
Assuming that the front of the part is where you want the pointer to go. So:
local originPart = -- OriginPart
local endAttachment = -- The end attachment for the beam.
local distance = 2048 -- How far the laser can go. Don't use math.huge as it can break the raycasts.
local Params =
Params.FilterDescendentInstances = {Gun}
local function RecalculatePosition()
local ray = workspace:Raycast(originPart.Position,originPart.CFrame.LookVector*distance,Params)
local endPosition = ray and ray.Position or
endAttachment.WorldPosition = endPosition
i found tutorial to raycasting and my script worked, but when i move dot subject like wall, dot doesn’t move forward.
robloxapp-20240319-1618389.wmv (817.9 KB)
local param =
local att1 = script.Parent.Attachment
local att2 = script.Parent.Attachment1
while true do
local ray = game.Workspace:Raycast(script.Parent.Position, att2.CFrame.LookVector*15000, param)
if ray then
att2.Position = ray.Position - script.Parent.Position
local param =
local att1 = script.Parent.Attachment
local att2 = script.Parent.Attachment1
while true do
local ray = game.Workspace:Raycast(script.Parent.Position, att2.CFrame.LookVector*15000, param)
if ray then
att2.Position = ray.Position - script.Parent.Position
att2.Position = att2.CFrame.LookVector*15000
Thank you very much, it worked!
No problem! If you have any other issue you can always ask me.
For some reason I read the title Laser dot PRINTER
. I need coffee.
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