Last 1 Day Date Range Not Showing Correct Information (Funnels)

When I click the “Last 1 Day” option, it shows the funnels for the last 30 days. If I click on last 7 or 30 days, it works fine.

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This was a conscious decision that when the data is not yet available for the previous day, we default the Last 1 Day selection to Last 30 days.

Otherwise, you end up with the Last 1 Day of data and all the absolute numbers “look right” but in fact it doesn’t have the last day’s data

If you have any other suggestions to better clarify this behaviour let us know


When I clicked the last 1 day option and was redirected to the last 30 days, I still believed that the last 1 day data was there and Roblox was accidentally redirected to the last 30 days. Since you explained how it happened when the data was not available yet, I now understand. If this confused me, it most likely confuses others too.

I wouldn’t be confused if we explained the data is not available yet instead of redirecting.

I inspect elemented this to explain it better: