"Last Edited" date shown for experiences is actually the date at which an experience was last published

Pretty self-explanatory; the “last edited” date shown in studio for an experience appears to actually be the timestamp of the last publish, as opposed to the last time it was edited/saved.

Expected behavior

I would expect this to line up with the label of “Last Edited” - showing the time a TeamCreate session/place was last edited/saved to Roblox, rather than the time it was last published.


Noticed this and was super confused. CC @MeshOfPaul

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I’m seeing we get dates on places that have never been published so I think it’s more like “Last Updated” and we just need to update the column label.

I will double check with the engineers if “Last Edited” is actually something we can reliably get.

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For me it seems to be completely frozen and unwilling to update dispite working on the game and updating it every day.



Yeah I can repro that. We’ll dig in on it.


FYI the “Updated” time on the game’s page itself actually updates when the game was last edited. Weird behaviour in of itself but it’d work for this case.


Hi folks, we’ve put a fix out for this problem, and also fixed an issue where the dates were getting localised wrong!

We might still want to improve the information on the Start Page tiles in the future as it looks like we only store the last viewed date for local files in Studio presently.


Can confirm it’s fixed! Thanks so much, much more insightful to look at now.

Please do. I noticed this a few days ago (I rarely ever go out of the ‘Recents’ tab because of how good it is :sweat_smile:) and the games look super bland.

I’m sure it wouldn’t be too much of a challenge to add in the Last Updated field for these ones as well, as I’m assuming the timestamp is already returned somewhere, so I’m looking forward to it :slightly_smiling_face:

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