Last item in ui scrolling frame cut off

i’ve already made a post about this but i have recieved no help

this is scrolled all the way down.

here are the ui properties


You could increase the scrolling frame’s canvas size, and then decrease each individual block’s size.

If you have any padding on your ListLayout object, the scrolling frame wont take that into calculation so it will mess up the bottom item. You need to create an invisible frame as the background for the level frame, and use that as the padding

Hi there! Your CanvasPosition indicates that you are not, in fact, scrolled to the bottom of the list. At 0, 0, you are at the top of the list. Check if ScrollingEnabled is turned to true.

Additionally, your AbsoluteSize.Y value is indicating that the height of the entire scrolling frame is the same height as the canvas size. This may be why it does not scroll.

A better way to do this padding is with the UIListLayout element. I have tested this in Studio just now and using the list layout, with padding, is all taken into account when Roblox checks the AbsoluteCanvasSize property of a scrolling frame. The AbsoluteCanvasSize.Y property should match the AbsoluteContentSize.Y property on a list layout if your AutomaticCanvasSize is set to true.