Latest Logo I made

I recently made a more complex logo than usual, it took far more time to do but I think it looks a lot better and I personally like how the new design turned out and I consider it to be my best logo so far. Do you think I should try and use this design more in my logos? Let me know what you like about it and what you don’t. This was a commision so I wasn’t able to completely choose how it looked.

New Design

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Old Designs

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Neat logos! I don’t have any problems with your logos except for the Crumble Studioz one. The background blends in too much with the “Studioz” text, which makes the whole thing less readable. My advice would be to make the dark blue part of the background more white. I also think that the black drop shadow should be more transparent, I’d recommend moving the shadow higher as well. Other than that, nice logos!

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Your first image has a weird blue color difference and the drop shadow is not my favorite. Your 6th design has a pretty good color combo.

How to fix your 1st design

  • Change your color set. Try to make custom color and gradients

  • Font. The choice of font could be worked on. I recommend to use

  • The pencil, crumbled paper, and eraser. The icons look to different from each other the styles look way to different.

  • Drop Shadow. Your drop shadow seems to intense try to have a lighter shadow and change the angle of it too.

That’s all the issues I found in your 1st design. Keep on working with your logos. :wink:

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Thanks for the tips, I personally would have chosen different background colors, but it was a commission and they requested that color. They also requested I use that specific pencil ,eraser, and paper along with that specific font, however I will try to look at some new fonts. I would personally change the background color and the icons. One thing that I will work on is the drop shadow, I accidentally made it a bit dark there, which is something I only just realized.

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