Latest on the "messages" keeps loading

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to your summary

  2. Click on the Messages

  3. Click on the Latest

So recently I have found out that, the latest on the messages keeps loading and won’t even load properly/correctly. I’ve been waiting for so long and then it gave me an error. Everything works great on the DevForum, no problem with loading. But only the latest on the “Messages” has the problem with the loading.

Date first experienced: 2021-09-08 10:08:00 (+02:00)
Date last experienced: 2021-09-08 10:08:00 (+02:00)


Thanks, we are aware of this. It has been one of the reasons why the devforum has been slow over the past week. We’re inquiring with the Discourse team to resolve it and improve the performance of that page.

Can you check if this is resolved now?

Yes, works perfectly fine now. This time it loads pretty well.

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Thanks for confirming, feel free to file a new bug report if it starts happening again.