Latest Rendered GFX

Hi there! I recently made this GFX and I wanted to see what people think! Feedback as well as advice on how I could improve would be so helpful!



If you need to contact me, or want to start a longer discussion, you can reach me here on the forum in PMs.

Thank you so much for reading! :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s not bad in my opinion, but definitely needs some polishing. The pose can use a little bit of tweak, background should be changed and the smoke effect seems off for me.

If you want some advices and want to improve, I recommend watching from this channel, they cover a lot of GFX tutorials: GFX Comet

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I agree with 36N on the pose. The bottom image is better in my opinion. Watermark is a bit noticeable as well, but overall great job.

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