Latest update broke Viewport camera

Ok, been pulling out my hair on this for a couple hours now…

As of today, something changed and affected our local (studio) game and a live (published) beta.
We have a custom character choosing gui using a Viewport and camera (not using WorldModel) that rotates around the model. This has worked fine for many months. As of today, the camera appears miles away from the model despite no change to the code. Logging CFrame values look fine too.

We have another GUI for color customizations. It uses a Viewport and WorldModel. It works fine, and flipping back to the first character chooser gui makes it suddenly “work” for that model only!?!?! Choosing another character model is a mile away again.

So I tried adding a WorldModel to the first and that fixes the positioning. But then BREAKS the RayCasting in the second gui!!! (Can no longer color parts) Raycasts don’t hit anything there anymore. It is a completely independent GUI, Viewport, WorldModel. (the char model does move between them by re-parenting).

Any ideas?

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Did you switch the raycasting function to use the new world model instead of workspace?

Yes. That was even the reason the second GUI was using the WorldModel in the first place, so that part-choosing (using raycast) would work.

Another note to staff - Studio (“Play”) has crashed about 4 times now with trying to get this figured out.

Some more info…
Raycasts do still work on simple test parts added to the second GUI’s world model.
They broke for the character (skinned mesh) model - if that model was previously parented to another WorldModel (speculating). This is still the case even if I Clone() it before adding to the second world. :frowning: