Latitude Air | Community Guidelines and Rules

Listed below are the official rules for Latitude Air. It is important to keep updated with these rules in order to have a good experience at Latitude Air.

Discord server rules:

  1. Please have your Discord nickname here set as your ROBLOX username.
  2. Please do not tag staff members for no reason unless there is a dire emergency.
  3. Do not insult or be rude to others.
  4. Please refrain from talking about:
    18+ topics
  5. Do not spam in this Discord.
  6. Do not self advertise in this Discord.
  7. Inappropriate jokes will not be tolerated here.
  8. Do not impersonate any staff members from this Discord server.
  9. Please do not beg for anything ask once and we will get it to you.

Flight Rules:

  1. Do not enter the cockpit as it is for employees only.
  2. Do not yell or scream in all caps such as “OMG WE’RE GONNA DIE” or “WERE GONNA CRASH”.
  3. Hacking is highly prohibited and you will be banned on the spot if caught.

Other Rules:

  1. The Latitude Air Official Discord Server abides by ALL Discord rules and terms of service. This includes that you must be 13+ years of age in order to be a member of our Discord.
    You may view Discord’s guidelines by clicking on the following link: Community Guidelines | Discord
    You may view Discord’s terms of service by clicking on the following link: Terms of Service | Discord

  2. Latitude Air also abides by ALL ROBLOX rules and terms of service.
    You may view ROBLOX’s community rules by clicking on the following link:
    You may view ROBLOX’s terms of use by clicking on the following link:

Staff Moderation System:
If we see you breaking these rules, we will give you three warnings. If you continue to break the rules, you may be kicked from the flight, muted, or even banned.

Please keep in mind we have the right to ban you if we don’t feel you are acting correctly and there are unwritten rules that we can ban you for.

Thank you for taking the time to read our rules.

Latitude Air 2019©


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