LaunchData Issue for Certain Users

It appears that LaunchData is nil/ blank ‘’ for certain users. I have not made any changes to the code; it works for most users, but there are two users who do not receive any LaunchData. I tested this on a testing server, and the LaunchData when a player joins my invite looks like this:

However, when I join their invite, the LaunchData is completely blank:

There isn’t a consistent step-by-step reproduction. For example, I invited my alt account, and it received the invite correctly. Then, the user experiencing issues invited my alt in a brand new server, but the LaunchData was blank, as shown in the image above. I’ve received two reports of this issue so far, so it seems to affect a very small portion of users. One user also mentioned that it worked flawlessly three times, but afterward, no other invite requests triggered an in-game +1, which must be due to the LaunchData being nil.

Server Code Snippet:

local Player_Debs = {}

local function onPlayerAdded(PlayerWhoJoined)
	-- debounce --
	if Player_Debs[PlayerWhoJoined.UserId] then
	-- debounce --

	-- getIsInvitedData --
	local launchData

	for i = 1, ATTEMPT_LIMIT do
		local joinData = PlayerWhoJoined:GetJoinData()
		if joinData.LaunchData ~= "" then
			launchData = joinData.LaunchData
	-- getIsInvitedData --

	if not launchData then
	-- decode --
	local data = HttpService:JSONDecode(launchData)		
	local PlayerWhoInvited = data.senderUserName and Players:FindFirstChild(data.senderUserName)
	-- decode --

Client Code:

-------------------- Services --------------------
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
-------------------- Services --------------------

local data = {
	senderUserName = LocalPlayer.Name,

local launchData = HttpService:JSONEncode(data)

-- Construct invite options with launch data --
local inviteOptions ="ExperienceInviteOptions")
inviteOptions.LaunchData = launchData

-------------------- Sounds --------------------
local ClickSound1 = script:WaitForChild("ClickSound1")
local ClickSound2 = script:WaitForChild("ClickSound2")
-------------------- Sounds --------------------

	local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
		SocialService:PromptGameInvite(LocalPlayer, inviteOptions)

Expected behavior

It should always send the LaunchData; maybe there has been a backend change that could’ve broken it for certain Users? Note: The person sent the invite from a mobile device through the ingame invite screen.

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Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database.

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Experiencing this bug aswell. Due to the way my game is structured because this is bugged this prevents us from adding invites for people to invite their friends into their game at all because we cant track who they are following into the game when they join the starting place of our game. Hoping this gets fixed soon.

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Sorry for bumping, but I still have this issue.
When I click a invitation from a friend in my own game, I just dont get anything.
Using the same system on 1 of my alt accounts (tested max privacy settings, child settings, etc.) and still working fine.
Hoping to get a fix soon!