I want to add a few seconds before the the lava starts rising up
it probably may be as easy as putting a wait function but for some reason im not really sure how to go about it Code
local Rs = game:GetService(“RunService”)
local lava = game.Workspace.LavaBottom.Part
lavapos =, 7.952, -36.3)
local startime = tick()
while true do
dif = (tick() - startime)*2
lava.Size =, dif, 100.597)
lava.Position =, 7.952, -36.3)
end Summarization
To Summurize it i want the lava part to wait a few seconds before it scales itself in the z axis New Problem
When I Add A Wait Function Before the While Loop, And After The Wait Function Gets Over,The Lava Rises 5 Times as quicker to a certain area then returns to its normal speed. How Do I Go About This
Umm in the tutorial It Put A Wait Function Without an input in which is fine.
However i wanted a wait time then after waiting it started rising.When i put a wait function before the loop it rised 5 times faster and i dont want that to happen
but, if you want to make it go to a specific position:
local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local ti =
1, --seconds it takes for the part to reach where you want it to go
Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, -- the easing style, look up "roblox easingstyles for more
Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, --affects the easingstyle animation
0, --the amount it should repeat this process
false, --if it repeats more than once, should it tween backwards?
0 -- if it repeats, then how much should the delay be between tweens?
local sizeToReach = size
local positionToReach = position
local partToTween = part