LAWSON convenience store build

hey guys, i built this a couple years back and i just wanted some feedback/tips on how to improve it japan convenience - Roblox


Screenshots of the build

Solid build! You have the basic structure down, so some small additions and changes here and there should finish it.

  • I’d change the material of the frame to gray metal.

  • It needs more products in the store!

  • The neon Lawson sign is a little too bright. Either change the color or change the bloom settings.

  • I’d extend the drug stand over until it’s the same length as the counter.

  • Add lights on top.

  • Maybe change the glass material on the fridges to smooth plastic due to the glass distortion.


Really good build. @Crazedbrick1 makes some pretty good points. It needs a bit of variety.

The lighting from the blue neon hanger outside clips through the building.

Also, could you provide me with the camera script/module you used in the game?(unless you made it).


Thank you Crazed for providing the screenshots! @SwornNoble, next time I recommend adding your own screenshots or asking someone else to take them to boost engagement. Great build overall!


It’s a really nice build with a reasonably simple style that I really like!
You could probably detail it a little more though and add some things on the shelves and maybe even parking spots (in what appears to be a parking lot) with cars in them. Next to the store is a little empty as well, You could also add some vending machines or even just a bench in that space to make it feel a little less empty, I’d also recommend like some little trees or something and those sort of little concrete barriers at the end of parking spaces (by the parking lot area). The interior is really nice but the exterior around could be worked on a little more. Overall though I thought it looked really nice and I really like the color scheme and design you went for.

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Nice build! I though think it could use some posters and advertisements like you see at many convince stores. Also add a variety of products when u add them don’t only sell on things like beans. Add like a range of everyday items such as coffee, groceries, snack foods, confectionery, soft drinks, ice creams and my favorite:

those are the best lol

also maybe add a trashcan too that wouldnt be to bad there is just a lot of empty space that ned not be empty

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