Layered Clothing cannot equipped when chacracter is packeged or resized humanoid size description in edit mode

I want to equip layered accessories in edit mode.

But everytime, I reopen the studio, the layer is broken in edit mode.
Once I play, it will propery modified.

Condition that happens are

  • Character itself is packeged.
  • Character parent model is packaged.
  • Character humanoid description scaling is custmized.

Does anyone have same issue, ot know the solution?

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the layerd clothing isnt shown correctly in edit mode when the character is packaged or when you’ve customized the humanoid scaling. this happens because roblox doesn’t always load layered clothing properly in edit mode if the character is packaged or if the scaling is changed.

  1. make sure the character isn’t packaged in edit mode. layered clothing works best when the character isn’t packaged.
  2. if you need the character to be packaged for your game, test the clothing in play mode to make sure it shows up right.
  3. if you’ve customized the humanoid scaling, make sure those changes are applied in play mode, as clothing may not load right in edit mode with customized scaling.
    this issue is pretty common in roblox studio, and while there isn’t a perfect fix, using play mode should work as a good workaround.

I’m grad to know that this issues are common, thank you!
I just mind a bit in development, so I’ll ignore those in edit mode.

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