Layered Clothing: let us set the order of layers

As a Roblox player, it is currently impossible to change the order of layers in the avatar editor.

Consider the following, I use an avatar with overalls, because these overalls are deemed as a “Bottoms” item, all shirts render ontop of it.

Anyone who has worn overalls irl can tell you, you wouldn’t put a T-Shirt ontop of a pair of overalls

Current behaviour:

Expected behaviour if I was able to change the layers.

If Roblox were to address this issue it would give us more creativity with avatars by letting us creating more realistic (or less realistic depending on who you are) layer patterns. Some people may just want to wear trousers over shirts which is currently impossible.


So, it’s possible to do this by sending an API request to set-wearing-assets with the order that you want it in.

Please never patch this and implement it as an actual feature.

How to do this on Firefox

Open Inspect Element and click on the Network Tab.

Next, apply all the assets you want on your avatar

Find the most recent call to set-wearing-assets

Press the Edit and Resend button and edit the request as you need to

Finally, press send, and viola!

This will undo itself as soon as you change your avatar so it’s a bit finnicky right now

If you’re a different browser or want to do it from a CLI, the api is


This is now possible. Thanks :+1:

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