I am using applyhumanoiddescription to add layered clothing to some players. Sometimes it looks normal but other times it looks strange. All beta features are enabled. Streaming is off. It is happening to multiple people.
Here is the function I use to create the humanoid description:
function YoshinoMorph.GetDescription()
local humDesc = Instance.new("HumanoidDescription")
-- body parts
humDesc.LeftArm = 4416785861
humDesc.RightArm = 4416788553
humDesc.Torso = 27121265
humDesc.Face = 141728899
-- body colors
local skinColor = Color3.fromRGB(234, 184, 146)
humDesc.HeadColor = skinColor
humDesc.TorsoColor = skinColor
humDesc.LeftArmColor = skinColor
humDesc.LeftLegColor = skinColor
humDesc.RightArmColor = skinColor
humDesc.RightLegColor = skinColor
-- scaling
humDesc.BodyTypeScale = 0.5
humDesc.DepthScale = 1.2
humDesc.HeightScale = 1.2
humDesc.WidthScale = 1.2
humDesc.HeadScale = 1
-- clothes
humDesc.Shirt = 9551391513
humDesc.Pants = 6843992389
-- accessories
local accessories = {
AccessoryType = Enum.AccessoryType.Hair,
AssetId = 6934208667,
IsLayered = false,
AccessoryType = Enum.AccessoryType.TShirt,
AssetId = 9178789625,
IsLayered = true,
Order = 1,
Puffiness = 0,
AccessoryType = Enum.AccessoryType.Pants,
AssetId = 9361905633,
IsLayered = true,
Order = 2,
Puffiness = 0,
AccessoryType = Enum.AccessoryType.LeftShoe,
AssetId = 7193104827,
IsLayered = true,
Order = 3,
Puffiness = 0,
AccessoryType = Enum.AccessoryType.RightShoe,
AssetId = 7193106211,
IsLayered = true,
Order = 3,
Puffiness = 0,
humDesc:SetAccessories(accessories, true)
-- animations
humDesc.IdleAnimation = 734327140
humDesc.RunAnimation = 3236849826
humDesc.JumpAnimation = 658832070
humDesc.FallAnimation = 658831500
return humDesc