Hello, I’ve been working off of a custom R15 rig for some time now, and there are - without reason - lot’s of cases when the mesh will just completely deform when on the rig
To start:
I have tested numerous solutions to this, uploading multiple variants of the clothing to see what does / does not work
There have been times where the clothing fits on the rig properly, and the next day it is completely deformed in studio
The clothing is weight painted properly, rigged properly, and have the proper cages
So this has been a persistent issue for us, but today it really came to a head when I uploaded a specific item
In this first image, you will see a skirt on a rig. This is the intended expectancy, it is weighed properly and moves correctly with animations. However, our only issue with it is there was a UV issue. Since the layered clothing has worked – there should be no issues just changing the UV’s and reuploading it
This is the same mesh, same weights, same naming conventions, same caging conventions – the ONLY change was a changed UV. Yet, it does not work now
This has happened across multiple meshes in our project, in the same way. It continues to happen randomly, and without seeming cause. The above top example quite literally is just a UV change and yet this happens. It makes little to no sense why some meshes work and others do not. I would assume all of my layered clothing would fail – but as you can see in the screenshot, over half of my meshes do work. So there’s no particular rhyme or reason as to why some would fail and others would not
Expected behavior
I expect the layered clothing to work properly, along with all my other layered clothing. There is no specific reason why some meshes work, others do not, especially in the top reference when all that happened was a UV change