The half-transparent GUI is the Frame, the green Menu Button is (Roundified) MenuButton_Roundify_12px. Now, I want the Frame to go under the Menu Button, so I tried changing their LayoutOrder but it did not work.
So I tried changing Zindex, but again it did not work.
How would I fix this? I’m not a pro GUI designer, so please consider while answering me.
Thank you.
Zindex probably did not work because the ZindexBehavior of your screen gui is set to sibling. Just set it to global so the zindex property is followed regardless of the frame and button’s parent-child relationship.
Btw, zindex has to be lower in order for the object to be rendered on top, just keep that in mind.
Thank you, but it is already set to global.

And yes, I know that zindex has to be lower in order for the object to be rendered on top.
Okay never mind, I just changed the Frame’s Parent to a different ScreenGUI and set the ScreenGUI’s DisplayOrder, now it works. Thank you.