Leaderboard glitches once again

http://puu.sh/6EgNB/fb374c4152.jpg, doesn’t acquire all the players in the server as you can see.

There’s still UCR?

Yes, and I’m the Head of Tech and woot3 is the overseer of internal affairs. We plan on making UCR different. Using the game world to bring in new members. Clans have looked down on it, but when you think about it you realize if you have a great game why not bring in new members to create a better clan? There’s no wrong in that.

Yeah, I was in UCR like 4 years ago.

You’re now in UCR again, welcome back :smiley:
(Incase that was unclear, I am being subliminal and trying to make you join)

Are you putting any strange objects in leaderstats?

Every once in a while when I get that bug I tab the leaderboard in and out a few times and then click and scroll - only then does the scroll bar actually appear.

No I did not, Merely if I did that the leaderboard wouldn’t even open. It’s a glitch that happens once in a while.

In fairness, as you know I’ve recently written my own leaderboard code, it’s not an easy thing to do.

Yes, woot you showed me. I know it’s hard but I mean this doesn’t have to be at the top of the priority list but I just wanted to inform the admins.

I could make my own leaderboard…

It happends a lot now, even if the leaderboard was working fine before.