If u ever played Anime Adventures, its basically a Leaderboard like a Tournament where u need to reach some scores and compete to get prizes, but it got a Bracket System where every player got random/different brackets so it will balanced instead of all players globally compete in 1 leaderboard, the Brackets here is 2 Randomized Character like AB, NM, GX, OP and anything that is 2 character.
Ive think about pre-build the brackets in leaderboard datastore, or making players who joined get a random bracket then check if the player has already been in the leaderboard bracket datastore previously, if yes then renew it, if not then make a new one, then save it until the next leaderboard resets(in Anime Adventures it was 7 days/1 Week).
^^^ idk if this just answer my question
If u got a good way to do this please help me!