Leaderboard with Country Flags

Captura de tela 2023-03-09 011443

model: LeaderBoard - Flags - Roblox


local function getFlag(player)
	local code = LocalizationService:GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync(player)
	local first = string.byte(string.upper(string.sub(code, 1, 1))) - 0x41 + 0x1F1E6
	local second = string.byte(string.upper(string.sub(code, 2, 2))) - 0x41 + 0x1F1E6
	return utf8.char(first) .. utf8.char(second)


Okay, cool
This is actually a good feature

You know, the design of this isnt very good, its so short, no explanations. This shouldnt just be a take-and-go kind of thing


I agree with you, we need an explanation, maybe a sneak peek of the code, so we know it’s not opening back doors in our Game…

I did it in a hurry, it’s a simple script, whoever understands it will know that it’s nothing like that.

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What do you mean “sneak peak”??? It’s open source? Go look at the code yourself? He quite literally linked the code. That’s the entire point, he gave you the code.


Yes but what if it’s opening a back door

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Yes, but give an explanation anyway please

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What? You can look at the code yourself. Just put it in your game. It can’t put in a back door if you simply put it in while in edit mode.


oh my god… people will be mad at me if I put it in my game for grabbing people’s locations

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Would this work for other images?

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I don’t understand what you mean, could you clarify your question?

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He’s asking if that works with other images like Emojis, I don’t think it does as you would have to basically rewrite the entire script

oh, all the flags are emojis, use a converter, I even posted a snippet above so people don’t get suspicious of the model

Yes, but the thing is you would need to rewrite basically teh entire script to make it work in different cases, like if I want ta player im that’s level 100 have a :+1: emoji and one taht is level 200 a :-1: emoji I would have to rewrite the entire script basically

Do I really need to do this? but anyway I’ll send a snippet that does what you asked

What do you mean? Do what who asked?

Also you don’t have to do that if you don’t want, but if you want then…

I’ll do what you said, sorry I need a translator to talk to the people

There’s no need if you don’t want to

I’m going to do it because it’s not that difficult and I like to do things I’m even thinking about making a NameTag with flags, I made one a while ago but it’s out of date

I apologize, Like for example an emoji.