local function getFlag(player)
local code = LocalizationService:GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync(player)
local first = string.byte(string.upper(string.sub(code, 1, 1))) - 0x41 + 0x1F1E6
local second = string.byte(string.upper(string.sub(code, 2, 2))) - 0x41 + 0x1F1E6
return utf8.char(first) .. utf8.char(second)
What do you mean “sneak peak”??? It’s open source? Go look at the code yourself? He quite literally linked the code. That’s the entire point, he gave you the code.
Yes, but the thing is you would need to rewrite basically teh entire script to make it work in different cases, like if I want ta player im that’s level 100 have a emoji and one taht is level 200 a emoji I would have to rewrite the entire script basically
I’m going to do it because it’s not that difficult and I like to do things I’m even thinking about making a NameTag with flags, I made one a while ago but it’s out of date